
We welcome you and/or your group to register to walk in the Salisbury Pride Parade.​
Rules & Regulations
Application Deadline: June 15, 2024
All entries are expected to adhere to the theme.
All children participating in the parade must be supervised by an adult at all times.
Entries should be designed to withstand any weather conditions.
Entrants may be on foot or include a vehicle. All entrants using a vehicle must supply their own vehicle and signage.
No fire, discharging of firearms, or pyrotechnics of any kind are allowed. No wooden boards or other items that may fly into the spectators are to be broken while parading.
Absolutely NO smoking is permitted in the parade route or set-up areas.
All motorized vehicles in the parade MUST operate under their own power and be decorated.
All music to be played must be included in the entry form.
All entries with live animals are responsible for cleaning up after the animals throughout the duration of the parade (set- up through end of parade).
Your entry fee is appreciated and donations are always welcome. We are a not for profit organization and funds collected go towards expenses of this event. Extra funds will be earmarked to offset expenses for next year’s event.
All units must give way to emergency vehicles.
The Salisbury Pride Parade Planning Committee reserves the right to deny participation in the parade to registered entries not in compliance with these rules.
Saturday, June 29th, 2024
Downtown Salisbury
Parade begins at 3 PM